I spent my first 2 years of seminary in Dublin, Ireland. The seminary was just south of the city and being four stories tall gave us a beautiful panorama of the countryside behind us and the city in front. The city was expanding at that time and there was new development close to the seminary.

As I walked the hallways of the novitiate praying my Rosary, my eyes would always fall upon a Microsoft building. There my heart would meditate. Who were all of those people in that building? What were their names and faces, achievements and struggles? What were their needs?

I knew there were deals being made and new technology being developed in there. There were so many ‘technical issues’ being solved in that building.

But what about the ‘spiritual issues’, who is going to solve those? Spending those 2 years in the novitiate discerning my vocation made many things clear to me. I knew that one day those faces would no longer be a mystery to me, nor the issues, struggles and spiritual scars that needed healing. I could feel that this was God’s call for me.

White Martyrdom
The Magic Rag